Project Overview

"Grad Mate" is my independent project that emerged from identifying a market gap during my process of applying to graduate schools. I teamed up with a fellow designer who shared the same passion for working on this project.


3 months - Mar to July 2022


Mahalakshmi, Raghav Anand




Here is the problem!

Pursuing a graduate program at an international graduate institutions is no simple task; it demands significant time, energy, building professional connections, and financial investment.

So, how might we streamline this process and make it simple and more accessible?

So, how might we streamline this process and make it simple and more accessible?

So, how might we streamline this process and make it simple and more accessible?

So, how might we streamline this process and make it simple and more accessible?

User Interviews to understand their pain points

We initiated our research with user interviews to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the issues. These semi-structured interviews included face-to-face and telephonic sessions, each lasting 20 minutes. The recruiting criteria were anyone who is currently pursuing master's or in the process of applying to grad schools.

3 user groups

3 user groups

Group 1

Undergraduate students preparing for master's programs

Group 2

Working professionals planning to pursue a master's degree

Group 3

Students currently pursuing/ pursued masters aborad

We synthesized the findings through affinity mapping, identified that there were a lot of overlaps between what they wanted and what precisely fell under one of the 6 key findings mentioned below.

Conducted: 20 interviews

Conducted: 20 interviews

Found: 6 Key Findings

6 Key Findings

Unclear Process

The process of applying, right from choosing courses to navigating visas, seemed unclear.

Tedious exam preparation

Juggling between multiple resources like websites, PDFs, and YouTube for exam prep (GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS, etc.)

Hard to find online communities

Students struggle to find online communities, often relying on Facebook which redirects them to WhatsApp

Lack of Mentorship

Participants reached out to alumni on LinkedIn for university or course info but often got no replies.

Finding the right course

14/20 students wanted to pursue a master's degree but were unsure which course to choose.

Unreliable consultancies

Participants were concerned about the legitimacy of consultancies, causing apprehension.

Survey to know the bigger picture!

Based on the qualitative information obtained from the user interviews, I formulated a short survey to gather feedback from a wider audience regarding these pain points.

Major Insights from the survey

112 Responses

How would you rate the process of finding the student groups?

Very Easy (11)

Somewhat easier (11)

Difficult (31)

Very Difficult (59)

120 Responses

How much did you know about the application process when you started?

No idea at all (12)

Had a basic idea about the process (48)

Had a good idea about process (30)

Knew everything about the process (22)

115 Responses

How do you select a masters program that is right for you?

Self Research (62)

Related to undergrad (29)

Related to work experience (12)

Through professional help (12)

Competitor Analysis to understand the gaps.

We conducted a competitor analysis to identify gaps in services offered by existing products. Based on user interviews and research, we selected key platforms that assist students applying for graduate programs abroad:


App focusing on services over community.

YM Grad

Popular app for international education and networking.


Online forum for sharing admissions and scholarships.

Information architecture for organizing content

After thorough research, I summarized the findings to create a list of features and design requirements. We then developed the Information Architecture, organizing content and navigation to ensure ease of use. The structure was refined based on feedback from fellow designers.

Conceptual model

After formulating information architecture, we wanted to visualize how our product could effectively address each identified user pain point and so we created a conceptual model to depict them.

Wireframing and testing

Added a request tab for privacy

In response to users' privacy concerns about being contacted by anyone, I implemented a 'request' tab allowing users to authorize and control who can contact them.

Event - Join/ watch or listen to recording later

6/8 users indicated that they typically engage with the content during their commute, so I incorporated a 'Listen to audio only' button. This feature aims to minimize mobile data usage while still allowing users to access the content in audio format.

Event participants and friends

Users expressed a desire to see if anyone from their friend list is participating or has participated in the events. For this reason I added a section that displays their friends with a count to get a quick picture.

Key Features

Comprehensive guide

Users can understand the process, identify the best course, find exam resources, access consultancies, and scholarships.

Express, Share, and Connect

Users can share their thoughts, photos, and polls, as well as create and discover events.

Find Trusted Consulting

GradMate helps users to find reliable consulting firms by reviewing their track record, feedback ratings, and reviews.

Simple 4-step sign-up process

Users could quickly sign up in 4 steps by using email or mobile number. They could even sign-up using Gmail or Facebook.

Peer Support and Mentorship

Grad Mate includes master's aspirants and students who are currently studying. This enables everyone to learn from each other and be mentored by seniors who have already gone through the process.

Participate in events to stay updated

Join information sessions hosted by peers and experienced candidates to gain valuable insights and stay informed about the course, universities, and opportunities.

Fosters community and builds connections

Users can message their friends, join groups specific to their course and universities, and collaborate with like-minded peers for a more enriched academic experience.

Feel the pulse through polls

Users can post questions and polls to gather valuable feedback from both peers and mentors, aiding in informed decision-making throughout their journey.


Outcomes and Impact


“This is going to be a game-changer! I particularly like the study session that has the modules, super helpful”


“I wish we had something like this while I was applying to grad schools, I had to figure out everything on my own”

Reflection and takeaways

Addressing Biases

While applying to graduate schools myself, I recognized my personal biases, thinking I knew a lot about the process. To counter this, I consciously tried to remain open-minded and truly listen to my users. Additionally, I constantly sought feedback and critiques from my design community to ensure my biases didn't affect my research.

Leveraging expert feedback for continuous improvement

This product is my brainchild, and I have pitched the idea to several product managers, investors, and product innovation challenges. Their feedback has been invaluable in improving the interface and adding more features. I have documented them well and would use them in the future when I develop this product further.

Navigating Passion Projects and Professional Commitments

Working on a passion project independently was a rewarding learning experience. Balancing it with full-time work was challenging, but my passion made it enjoyable. It also helped me forge valuable connections within the design community, fostering collaboration and professional relationships.

Reflection and takeaways

Addressing Biases

While applying to graduate schools myself, I recognized my personal biases, thinking I knew a lot about the process. To counter this, I consciously tried to remain open-minded and truly listen to my users. Additionally, I constantly sought feedback and critiques from my design community to ensure my biases didn't affect my research.

Leveraging expert feedback for continuous improvement

This product is my brainchild, and I have pitched the idea to several product managers, investors, and product innovation challenges. Their feedback has been invaluable in improving the interface and adding more features. I have documented them well and would use them in the future when I develop this product further.

Navigating Passion Projects and Professional Commitments

Working on a passion project independently was a rewarding learning experience. Balancing it with full-time work was challenging, but my passion made it enjoyable. It also helped me forge valuable connections within the design community, fostering collaboration and professional relationships.

Love my work?

Let's Connect!

Crafted by Maha with

love and lots of tea

Love my work?

Let's Connect!

Crafted by Maha with

love and lots of tea